further reading

What happens to unreadable mail?

Excellent video by Tom Scott on what happens with unreadable mail. These are envelopes where the mailing address cannot be read by the automatic processing of local USPS facilities.

Basic Process

  • Local Processing Plant automatic processing. Something is unreadable.
  • A picture of the unreadable mail gets sent to the remote encoding center
  • If it is read in time then the piece of mail is able to stay “within automation” at the local processing plant. If it isn’t read in time then there is a second chance when it is sent through the local processing plant again a couple of hours later.
  • The guessed address is compared to the known address database. If there is only one matching address then that is that. If there are multiple similar addresses, then one needs to be selected from the matches from the database.

In the past there have been more of these encoding centers. But over time the trends are that fewer people are addressing their mail by hand and that the automatic processing technology is becoming better and better.

More information on USPS history and envelope history here.

security envelopes

Does your business use a custom security envelope pattern?

Do you work for a business that creates their own custom security envelope pattern? Or maybe you know someone who does?

I collect security envelope patterns. I’ve had the help of many incredible people. Some of those people I know personally and some I have never met. It’s all very overwhelming when I think of the support I have received.

Most of these patterns are patterns and shapes. Some of the most common patterns are confetti, linen, burlap, lines, crosshatch and so forth.

A smaller portion of the collection is unique patterns made by businesses such as Chase, ADP, Citibank who make branded a custom security envelope pattern. Here is a list of companies who are represented in the security envelope pattern collection. Some companies have many unique patterns that they have used over the years. One unique pattern is cool, more then that… well that is just stylin’ in my book.

I’m almost certain that I’m missing a ton of companies still. Regional/local, local banks, utility companies in different states, companies that have gone out of business, companies that don’t send out mail to the public but still have their own security envelopes, B2B companies, Fortune 500 companies and so forth.

If you’d like your company to be added to this list and the Security Envelope Pattern Collection please contact me. If you are already on the list but want to make sure I have all the patterns that you do, contact me. If your business is no longer operating but you have older and more historical envelope patterns I’d love those as well.

2023 Security Envelope Collection totals (current as of 10/26/23)

407 Express Toll Route1
Ally Bank1
American Express5
American Funds1
Banana Republic1
Bankcard Services1
Blue Shield of California1
Capital One4
Chicago Symphony Orchestra1
Con Edison1
Credit One Bank1
Davis Bancorp1
FDIC: Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation1
Fidelity Investments1
First Hawaiian Bank1
First Primier Bank1
ForwardLine Financial1
Genworth Financial1
Hillsdale Collge1
Hudson’s Bay1
Hughes Net1
Ivy Funds2
Jewish United Fund of Metropolitan Chicago1
Neiman Marcus2
Old Navy1
OneMain Financial1
Paralyzed Veterans of America1
Physicians Mutual Insurance Company1
Prudential Financial5
State Farm1
TCF Bank1
The Salvation Army1
Topform Data Inc.1
Toronto Revenue Services1
Turner Vision1
United Freedom Benefits Department1
United Healthcare2
Vista Print1
Waste Management1
Wells Fargo3
Wildeboer Dellelce LLP1

Ways to get in touch:
Instagram: @abstract_collage
Contact form: Contact

security envelopes

How Security Envelopes Are Made

Check out this incredible video by Tension Corporation. Over the years I have seen many envelope making videos, but this has to be the clearest and most descriptive video of the whole process, and it specifically mentions how security envelopes are made!

How Security Envelopes are Made

“With the expertise and equipment at Tension, it only takes about 20 seconds for an envelope to travel from the beginning to the end of the process.”

I first learned about Tension through Maynard Benjamin’s “The History of Envelopes 1840-1900.” I’ve looked into many of the companies mentioned in this book. Some of the companies are still in business an doing some incredible things.

The excess panel chips, the sections that are cutout for the window pane, could make for good artwork material. What do you think?

Here are different parts of the printing process mentioned.

  • Web converter
  • Web tower
  • Cross Cutter
  • Scoring
  • Gumming
  • Side-seam Folding
  • Creasing
  • Delivery spirals

Above all, the testing and verification of settings and performance through this printing process is remarkable.

To learn more about Tension Corporation, check out their website here. There is a lot of good information on their website, here is section on different Print Processes. To learn more about Security Envelope Patterns, check out this extensive page here.

artist resources

Batching 8 Exhibitions Per Year Using a Spreadsheet and Scripts

Over the years I’ve picked up some tricks when it comes to event planning and managing tasks. A big example that comes to mind is getting ready for opening reception for art exhibitions. I knew there had to be a way of importing calendar events from a spreadsheet.

Let’s say there are 30 things that need to get done on a 6 month timeline for an art exhibition to execute correctly. To give you an idea on some possible specific tasks…

  • Selecting quality artists that show well together.
  • Making sure the selecting artists and the gallery are on the same page when it comes to mission and aesthetics
  • Making sure artists are available for the show dates
  • Selecting specific pieces for the show
  • Developing a press release
  • Developing online marketing materials such as event postings and social media posts
  • Designing a marketing materials for the show and getting those to a printer with enough time to get them mailed out
  • Getting refreshments for the exhibition

Now these are some larger and more obvious tasks that you would expect. If you are only planning one art exhibition then you could probably just schedule every item individually.

If you are planning 8 exhibitions per year however you need to be importing calendar events from a spreadsheet. In a realistic week maybe you need to finish marketing materials for exhibition 1,  select artworks for exhibition 2, find artists for exhibitions 3 and 4.

Now the interesting thing here is that if all the steps for each exhibition are the same for the most part you can create one master checklists that you use for each exhibition. This is great, however it still involves putting each item into a calendar by hand and possibly risking human error.

With the use of google spreadsheet script however you can just make a custom spreadsheet with the master checklist and have it program each exhibition separately into the calendar.

And if you are utilizing shared calendars In Google Calendar then your team has a razor sharp calendar of all of the scheduled tasks.

Below you’ll find the apps script I used years ago. I believe this still works. I unfortunately couldn’t find the origin of this because it was so long ago. Thanks to whoever wrote this.

var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();

function onOpen() {
   var menuEntries = [{name: "Import Events in Calendar", functionName: "importCalendar"}];
   ss.addMenu("Scripts", menuEntries);

function importCalendar() {
  var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
  var startRow = 6;  // First row of data to process
  var numRows = 30;   // Number of rows to process
  var dataRange = sheet.getRange(startRow, 1, numRows, 6)
  // Fetch values for each row in the Range.
  var data = dataRange.getValues();
  for (var i = 0; i < data.length; ++i) {
    var row = data[i];
    var title = row[2];  // First column *3rd
    var startDate = row[4];       // Second column *5th
    var endDate = row[5];     // Third column *6th
    var description = row[3];    // Fourth column *4th
    var location = row[6]; // Fifth column *7th
    var eventImported = row[7];// Sixth column
    if (eventImported  != EVENT_IMPORTED && title != "") {  // Prevents importing duplicates
    var cal = CalendarApp.openByName("PSGExhibitions");
    var advancedArgs = {description: description, location: location};
cal.createEvent(title, new Date(startDate), new Date(endDate), advancedArgs);
      sheet.getRange(startRow + i, 7).setValue(EVENT_IMPORTED);
        Browser.msgBox("Events imported");
      // Make sure the cell is updated right away in case the script is interrupted

And here you’ll see the Google Sheet that the script runs off of. This will give you an idea of what rows are used to do what, columns and so forth. You can tweak the script to match your spreadsheet, or the other way around. This is just one screenshot of the spreadsheet, it actually goes for quite a while with different tasks.

You could probably even get crazier with the scripting. But you can see here that the top 3 rows help populate some of the calendar items below. So the Show Title get’s injected into multiple calendar items. Then when you run the script that all get’s imported to you Google Calendar. Fun stuff.

There may be better ways of importing calendar events from a spreadsheet. Also some people go the other direction with Importing events from their calendar into a spreadsheet. Not exactly sure why you’d want to do it.

I hope someone will find this useful. It sure made my even planning run much smoother, especially when multiple events were getting planned at a time.

website updates

Updated SMS Collages

Hey everyone. I have updated the Snail Mail Security series here on the website. Now all the most recent additions to the series have been added to the page. The online store has been updated as well with framed Snail Mail pieces, a new Print On Demand option, as well as a Security Envelope T-shirt.

Temple 31 x 39 in (framed)
2nd 31 x 39 in (framed)
artist resources

Security Envelope Project Ideas

Here are some security envelope project ideas. I have searched the web and selected some of the best tutorials and project ideas that I could find.

You may be looking for things to do if you are currently experiencing a stay-at-home order due to the coronavirus pandemic. I find that creative projects, specifically physical ones, can be very meditative and soothing. As many of you know, I am obsessed with security envelopes and I am always looking for new ways to use their beautiful patterns.

If you try any of security envelope project ideas, give me a shout on Instagram (@abstract_collage)… I’d love to see your work!
security envelopes stationery set
Beads, memo box
Inside out envelopes
DIY envelope liner, hint: make your own security envelope patterns!

artist resources exhibitions

Art Gallery Music

Here is some Art Gallery Music to play at your next opening reception. This is an ongoing Spotify playlist of music I have played at art gallery openings. Tried and true music that keeps the energy up. Let me know if you have any suggestions! Thanks.

Full playlist available here:

art updates

La Croix magnets

Hello everyone! My Etsy shop is restocked with fresh La Croix magnets. Made entirely with recycled materials, these really add a nice pop of color to your fridge. I have been racking my brain on different ways I can use La Croix boxes ever since I started making la croix greeting cards from the same boxes a few years back. The magnets are an extension of that project. I am sure these boxes can be used for even more things! To be continued. Enjoy.