Here is some Art Gallery Music to play at your next opening reception. This is an ongoing Spotify playlist of music I have played at art gallery openings. Tried and true music that keeps the energy up. Let me know if you have any suggestions! Thanks.
(From left to right: Jay Ryan, Allie Kushnir, Elizabeth Caudy)
2014 New Trier Alumni Show
Feb 3 – Feb 28th
Ann Brierly Gallery (open during school hours)
385 Winnetka Ave, Winnetka, IL 60093
We are proud to announce the 2014 New Trier Alumni Art Show, featuring a sampling of alumni artwork from 1945-2013. The exhibition covers many types of artistic mediums, including drawing, painting, photography, printmaking, sculpture, glass, and video.
This is the first alumni art show of its kind to cover such a wide range of graduates and mediums. Current New Trier students will be able to see the different artistic paths that graduates have chosen. We hope the show will encourage a dialogue between different generation of artists and inspire young artists to pursue their dreams! The exhibition will be on display through February 28th.
Mark your calendars for the New Trier Alumni Art Exhibition. Work will be on display February 3-28. I will be showing selections of my Snail Mail Security series. More information coming soon!